Monday 22 September 2008

Emailing large documents

Have finished writing up the Arlis 'Caught in the Web' event (have basically produced a mash-up of biographies, abstracts and links) and sent it to Natasha, the Arlis Business Manager - hopefully it will end up on the website. I also have to send some handouts and other documents that the speakers created, this is where I run into problems. My colleague Rowan has sent me 5 documents: 3 Word handouts, a Powerpoint presentation and a Google SketchUp (.skp) file. They all started out too large to send by email so I've compressed the pictures in the Word and Powerpoint docs but the SketchUp file is enormous. This prompted me to look into sharing documents online but this has also proved to be a dead end - I tried Google docs as I already have an account but the limits were too small to allow me to upload everything and the formatting of the Word documents went very funny on screen (perhaps that's supposed to happen?). It also wouldn't recognise the .skp file even though that's also a Google product. So I've decided to burn the files to CD-R and send by snail mail...

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